Water treatment is the process of removing foreign substances, mineral salts, biological impurities and other components that contribute to the deterioration of water quality. Modern technologies make it possible to purify drinking and industrial water with any initial characteristics. In all developed countries treated water is used for cooking in accordance with the standard of the country. In Ukraine, there is GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water.Hygienic requirements and quality control," which is slightly outdated.
Water supplied from municipal water supply has a characteristic smell of chlorine, smells, turbidity; salt content of water does not provide transparency of ice (ice is turbid and visually unpleasant to see in a professionally made drink), water hardness does not give full saturation of taste of prepared meals. The iron content gives a characteristic ferrous flavor.
In restaurants, cafes, bars, and catering establishments, water quality reflects the way business is conducted. After all, water is an integral part of everything you do, from preparing a recipe to polishing plates. A full range of water softening, reverse osmosis systems and water filters will help your business run more smoothly and show that your company prides itself on providing customers with the best in its services.
- Reduced detergent costs
- Keeps equipment free of limescale
- Longer equipment life
- Improved taste in food and beverages

Untreated tap water contains mechanical impurities, metals, bacteria, pesticides, chemicals in varying amounts that accumulate in the body and can cause various diseases.

Water treatment helps get rid of the unpleasant taste and odor that appear as a result of an increase in the concentration of inorganic and organic substances in the composition of such water.

Lithuanian water leads to the accumulation of scale on the heating surfaces of electrical appliances, consequently reducing their thermal conductivity. This accelerates appliance failure and increases energy costs.

It is known that the consumption of clean water is extremely important for maintaining health. That is why purified water is necessary for a person to protect himself from many diseases and to continue an active life without doctors and pills.
- Water treatment for coffee machines. Coffee is a very personal drink. Just like cognac, you can't drink it by the cup! Winston Churchill
- Water treatment for ice machines. Would you like to own your own glacier spring that would provide easy and wholesome water? And most importantly, it really is possible!
- Oven and combi-steamer water treatment
- Backbone water treatment
- Beer restaurant. If you are going to brew live beer right at your place (and now it is fashionable and will soon become such a restaurant mast-have), then your main task - multi-stage filtration of drinking water. We are happy to help you solve this problem.
- We analyze your water
- We prepare a personal project directly for your case
- We supply, assemble, start-up equipment
- We provide service works, monitor water quality
Our companies are ready to help in the selection of equipment, in determining what level of water treatment is necessary in each specific restaurant, to analyze the water.
Working with us you get engineers, chemical technologists, managers as well as experience in designing and implementing water treatment systems.
For your convenience, our experts will come to you, consult and form a statement of work, taking into account your wishes and requirements, the features of the designed object, the quality of water, ergonomics and technical and economic feasibility.
Order a ready-made water treatment solutions for cafes and restaurants from the company "Aquarum" with the use of the latest reverse osmosis water filters. We work all over Ukraine and Moldova: Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov, Lvov, Donetsk, Dnepr, Lugansk, Chisinau.
own enterprise
customized solutions
operational experience
and installation