Imerys/Calcite Filter Media - Aquarum

Imerys/Calcite Filter Media

68 $

SKU: Imerys/Calcite Category:
  • Самовивезення з Нової Пошти - за тарифами перевізника
  • Кур'єр Нової Пошти за Вашою адресою - за тарифами перевізника

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Розрахунок на офіційний рахунок банківським переказом або при отриманні товару замовленого післяплатою.

Calcite granular material is used to regulate the acidity of water and dose calcium ions into the water.

Calcite granules consist of natural calcium carbonate. Gradually dissolving, calcite passes into water in the form of calcium bicarbonate. In addition, in the intergranular space and on the surface of the granules, free carbon dioxide contained in the water is neutralized.

The advantage of Calcite material over Corosex filter is the presence of buffering properties, that is, after the start of operation, there is an increase in the hydrogen index by 0.5-1.0 depending on the pH of the source water, after which the pH practically does not change and is maintained at the same level. At the same time, when using Calcite, the water flow rate in the operating mode should be significantly lower than when using Corosex.

When using Calcite material, periodic backwashing of the filter bedding is required to prevent cementation and compaction.

The filter loaded with Calcite is usually installed before the softening installation, as the material increases the water hardness.


  • One of the few non-ion exchange filter media capable of increasing the hydrogen pH
  • Effective in water pretreatment processes for removing iron and manganese
  • Can be used in the processes of conditioning low-mineralized water with calcium ions without the use of dosing complexes
  • Calcite slightly increases the hydrogen index during interruptions in filter operation or small water intake

Price per bag 23 kg = 15.6 liters.

Розмір гранул 0,42 – 1,19 мм
Коефіцієнт однорідності 1,5
Діапазон рН 5 – 7
Висота шару до 710 мм
Швидкість потоку, м/год до 14,6