Reverse osmosis filter in a case Aquarum Smart RO-6P with a pump - Aquarum

Reverse osmosis filter in a case Aquarum Smart RO-6P with a pump

248 $

SKU: AR-SM-RO6P Category:
  • Самовивезення з Нової Пошти - за тарифами перевізника
  • Кур'єр Нової Пошти за Вашою адресою - за тарифами перевізника

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Розрахунок на офіційний рахунок банківським переказом або при отриманні товару замовленого післяплатою.

The Aquarum Smart RO-6P reverse osmosis system is an advanced water purification solution, providing the highest level of filtration and reliable protection against all types of contaminants, including bacteria and viruses. This system effectively removes pesticides, organochlorines, heavy metal ions, hardness salts and other harmful impurities from water.

Features and Benefits:

•Compact Design: Aquarum Smart RO-6P has a compact size, which makes it ideal for installation in limited spaces.

•Quick-Removable Cartridges: The system is equipped with In-line cartridges that provide easy replacement and guarantee 100% bacteriological safety.

•Quiet Operation: The system does not have a booster pump, which ensures quiet operation, although a minimum pressure of 2.5 – 3.0 bar is required for the correct functioning of the system.

•Ease of Maintenance: Closed-type cartridges provide simple and convenient replacement during maintenance, which can be done independently.

Aquarum Smart RO-6P offers an effective solution to ensure the purity and safety of water in your home or office.

Purification stages:

The first stage is a mechanical cleaning cartridge that removes small debris, sand, and rust from the water.
The second stage is for removing chlorine from the water, as well as organic compounds and pesticides.
The third stage is a briquetted cartridge for cold water
A pump for increasing pressure in the module
The fourth stage is a membrane for 75 gallons per day
The fifth stage is a post-filter that improves the taste and smell of water after the tank.
The sixth stage is Mineralizato, which is a longitudinal flow post-filter that is installed after the storage tank in front of a separate tap for purified drinking water. Coconut activated carbon in granules is used as the main filter material. It completely removes residual impurities that could get into the water after cleaning with a reverse osmosis membrane. In addition, it eliminates any possible unpleasant taste in the water, which may form, for example, if water stagnates in the tank if it has not been used for a long time.

Performance at water pressure of 280 l / day.
Working water pressure 2.8 – 8.4 atm.
Working temperature from + 4 ° to + 40 ° C.
Connection size ½ ”
Tank – plastic 3.2 gallon

Тип фільтрації Зворотний осмос
Розміщення Під мийкою
Продуктивність, л/добу 280
Температура води, °С +4° до +40° С
Кількість етапів очищення 6
Робочий тиск, бар 2,5-6,0
Вага, кг 6
Накопичувальний бак 11 л
Наявність мінералізатора Так
Наявність насоса (помпи) так
Матеріал бака Пластик
Ресурс картриджів, місяців 3-4
Продуктивність, л/год 8
Країна виробник Україна
Гарантія 12 місяців