ARMAS MDF 1 Mechanical disc filter 3/4″ 5 m3/h - Aquarum

ARMAS MDF 1 Mechanical disc filter 3/4″ 5 m3/h

14 $

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Розрахунок на офіційний рахунок банківським переказом або при отриманні товару замовленого післяплатою.

Unique disc filters have been developed to purify water from large impurities and mechanical suspensions. The main element that removes contaminants are special discs, which are made using incredibly strong polymers.

On each side of these discs there are small grooves of different diameters, depths and widths. Due to the different sizes of grooves, the highest level of cleaning is achieved.

The essence of cleaning is as follows – the neighboring discs are tightly compressed, resulting in a kind of grid. Each filter uses several discs, and the total filtering surface is the sum of the areas of all discs and it turns out to be incredibly large, which provides not only high quality, but also incredibly fast cleaning.

The mechanical disc filter ARMAS MDF 1 3/4″ 5m3/h has a number of advantages, including an easy rinsing, which guarantees 100% regeneration of the filter elements. Thanks to this, the filter does not require the replacement of cartridges during the entire period of operation.

Translated with DeepL

Производительность м3/час 5
Способ регенерации Ручной
Тип системы Дисковый
Тонкость очистки, мкм 130
Тип фильтрации Механический
Фильтрующий элемент Диск
Диаметр подключений, дюйм 3/4
Размер 190 x 173 x 158 мм
Страна производитель Турция
Гарантия 12 месяцев